Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Night Out!

Tonight I went to Andie Harrison's house for our quarterly card night. Ten of us (not all were there tonight) get together and make cards. We have a great time and make some nice cards at the same time. I really enjoyed myself since I have not left my house at all in the last five days. This is a good group of women.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day!

We had a snow day today. Sean was so excited not to have to go to school. The boys paced the hallway waiting for James to wake up. All they wanted to do was to go out and play in it. We only got about 2 inches, but they didn't care. We told them to wait until after lunch (in hopes for more accumulation from the flakes falling). Daddy and the boys ran to Lowes to pick up a new bath tub (for the bathroom renovation in progress). When they got home it was time for lunch and then to go outside. They played, wrestled and had a blast.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Totally Embarrassing! (What do you do when your child....)

Seth and I went grocery shopping this morning after dropping Sean off at school. I walked up to the deli counter looking at the selection. The young lady behind the counter asked "what can I get for you?" (while I was still looking at the meat, not her). Seth being more aware than his mother, looks at her and said (very loudly, of course) "Mommy, why she got da boo boo on she face?" Panicked, because I don't know who has heard him and because I have not looked at the lady behind the counter yet. I wanted to run and hide!!! I looked up at the lady and realized that she did in fact hear him. It was a young women, in her early 20's, who had shaved off her eye brows and penciled them back in with a reddish orange brow pencil (I am hoping to match her hair, but I could not tell, it was back in a hair net). So, I pretended not to hear him (even though everyone in the deli and produce area did) because, WHAT DO YOU SAY????? Really, was I supposed to apologize on behalf of my 3 year old (who doesn't know any better) for her to respond with something like "What boo boo, what is he talking about"(with a snotty attitude of course). Not being remotely aware that she looked like she just left the circus.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, he asked AGAIN, "Mommy, why she got dat boo boo on she face?". I told him to shhhhh, and immediately asked him what movie he wanted to pick out when we got home. In hopes that talk of McQueen would take his mind off "she boo boo". I got my ham and ran. No cheese, no turkey, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, just run!

So, what do you say when your child says something that you wish they didn't? Please, leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank Goodness For Washable Markers!

Seth LOVES to draw and color! Nana and Pop Pop gave him a sketch pad with washable markers for Christmas. He was thrilled. Markers!!!!! You see, I never let him use markers because I did not want his art work around for the next few years had he decided to use something in my house as a canvas other than his sketch pad. Well......he started out doing very well with his markers, just on the sketch pad. Then slowly but surely I would have to tell him to "keep it on the paper", as marks appeared on the table, then his hands. Over the past week he was warned and even had them taken away for the rest of that particular day. Then there was yesterday (1/19/09), he had them taken away for good, at least until I think that he can use them properly. He had them back in his bedroom and colored his face, hands, feet, and are you ready for this.......his floor (thankfully for him, they are washable). I was not to upset because it really does come up with just a wet cloth. I am just tired of telling him to stop drawing on himself. The scribbling all over his floor was the end of it. I have now made sure that all other markers are cleared out of his visibility, reach, thoughts, etc. in fear that he would "use" one that was NOT washable. So, thanks Nana and Pop! :-)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Catching Up!

Not much new is going on here. We are just getting back into the normal grind of life. James back to work. Sean back to school. Seth back to playing and being mommies big helper. Me, back to my home and family. I am trying to organize, like everything, closets, drawers, cabinets, rooms, you get the idea. It is frustrating because to make it neat and clean you have to pull everything out and make a big mess first. It is like taking one step forward and two steps back.

James and I are trying to be a little healthier. We each have our personal goals and a plan of action to get there. I am not planning on doing anything that I can not continue for the rest of my life. So, I guess you would call it a life style change- NO diets- because let me tell you I cant go to long without some chocolate :)

These are not resolutions, we got started before the holidays and just got held up a little with my gall bladder issues.

The boys are doing well. They are enjoying their trampoline that Santa gave them for Christmas (yes, even in the 30 degree weather). I cant wait to get on it myself, but it will have to warm up a little bit more for me. Yes, they were jumping in there pj's and bathrobes (this was Christmas morning).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year

I hope that everyone had a happy New Year. We had a low key evening just the four of us. We did make plan to have friends over but, they fell through. Although we would have had a good time I think it was better in the long run since James was asleep by 9:30 pm, and I was not far behind.