Friday, March 6, 2009


Sunday, March 1st, was when the snow storm started. And with that snow storm came a dilemma. Sean and Seth had been playing all afternoon (nicely, I might add). Twenty minutes before the snow started to fall Seth came running out to the family room. He was very serious, Sean was hurt, and he wanted me to check him as soon as possible. So we ran back to the play room. Sean was on the floor holding his eye. You see, Seth took the leg of the little table (that he broke) and poked his brother in the eye with it. OUCH! I was worried that he may have scratched his cornea. I don't think that it was bad, but maybe it was slightly scratched. So do we go to the ER, or not go to the ER, go or not go? We didn't end up going to the ER (whew) - I didn't think it was that bad, James was working (and couldn't get home - people wrecking everywhere due to snow) and the snow was coming down pretty heavily.
When I put them to bed that evening we prayed, like we always do, and it went something like this.

Dear Lord, we thank you so much for this day. We are thankful that we were able to go to church today, and spend some time with Nana and Pop Pop. We thank you for the snow, and keep daddy safe while he is out in it. We ask, if it be your will, to heal the boys of their colds (they both had cruddy colds), and to help heal Sean's eye, and that it feels better soon. Lord, I pray that they invite you to live in their hearts, and have a relationship with you. Please allow them to sleep well. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Sean looked up after the prayer and said "Mom, thanks for putting my eye in the pray". I said "your welcome".

I just thought that it was cute that he was thankful that we prayed for his eye.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

To Infinity And.........


On a day to day basis Seth is Batman. But he occasionally takes a some time here and there to be Buzz, Woody, or Peter Pan. This day he was Buzz! He did this every were, off the beds, his toy chest, and on the trampoline. I thought it was cute.

I am really sorry, I worked for hours to try and turn this. It didn't work, but I thought it was to cute not to share. If anyone knows how and would like to enlighten me:)

My Boys!

Seth decided to get himself dressed. He normally does a little better than this, he must have been having and off day. Poor thing, his shirt was inside out and his pants on backwards.

The boys "helped" daddy take down the Christmas lights (a little late, I know) They did this in February, I am just know getting around to posting it. They thought that they were so cool that they were on the roof.