Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I love the start of a new year. It gives me a sense of a clean slate, a new start, a fresh beginning...... I think you get the point.

We had a great holiday season. We are doing well, and are blessed with each and every day.

I am making a few new year's resolutions and thought that if I post them for all to read that it will help me stick to them.

1. Update my blog more frequently then last year :)-

2. Stick to my devotions no matter how busy life gets

3. Get a family picture taken

4. Organize some things in the house (closets and such).

5. Be healthier (of course, lose weight) I have planned to do a mini marathon (13 miles) to help me stay the course on this journey (in 12 weeks, to ensure no slacking)

I have high hopes and aspirations, hopefully they will stay that way :)

I was going to post a few pictures of the family during the holidays. They are not loading for some reason. I will post them later, I don't want to delay this post any longer :)